
Our wedding videography packages deliver 3-6 minute cinematic films that tell your wedding story, ready within 4-6 weeks. Film length varies by wedding size, hours booked, and event details. Packages are fully customizable.
Or $249/ month
6 Hour
1 Videographer
3-6 Min Highlight Film
Book now
Or $249/ month
8 Hour
1 Videographer
3-6 Min Highlight Film
Drone Footage
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Or $249/ month
10 Hour
2 Videographer
3-6 Min Highlight Film
Drone Footage
45 Min Full Length Film
Book now
Premium Plus
Or $249/ month
All Day
2 Videographer
3-6 Min Highlight Film
Drone Footage
45 Min Full Length Film
all raw files
Instagram bundle to share your special moments effortlessly
Book now
Capture your wedding memories effortlessly with our combined packages! Each includes a lead photographer and videographer, a cinematic highlights film, and 300-600 edited photos, delivered in 4-6 weeks. Photo count and film length depend on your wedding size, hours booked, and events. Explore our add-ons for more, and customize your package anytime!
Or $249/ month
6 Hour
1 Videographer
1 Videographer
3-6 Min Highlight Film
400+ Edited Photos
Book now
Or $249/ month
8 Hour
1 Videographer
1 Videographer
5-6 Min Highlight Film
600+ Edited Photos
Drone Footage
Online Gallery
RAW Video Files
Book now
Or $249/ month
10 Hour
2 Videographer
2 Videographer
3-6 Min Highlight Film
800+ Edited Photos
Online Gallery
Drone Footage
RAW Video Files
45 Min Full Length Film
Book now
Premium Plus
Or $249/ month
All Day
2 Videographer
Everything in the Premium Package
Engagement Shoot
Insta Budle
Book now

Wedding Photography Packages

Our photography packages start with a lead shooter and deliver wedding galleries of 400 to 1,000+ edited photos within 4 to 6 weeks. The final count depends on your wedding’s size, booked hours, and the day’s events. For additional features, see the add-ons section below. All packages are fully customizable.
Or $208 /month
6 Hour
1 Photographer
400+ Edited Photos
Book now
Or $258 /month
8 Hour
1 Photographer
600+ Edited Photos
Online Gallery
Book now
Or $375 /month
Full Day
2 Photographers
800+ Edited Photos
Online Gallery
Engagement shoot
Book now
Premium Plus
(request pricing)
2 Photographers
1k+ Edited Photos
Online Gallery
Engagement shoot
Photo Album
Book now


We understand that each couple has unique needs, so we offer customizable add-ons to enhance your wedding experience. Options include extra coverage hours, engagement sessions, custom photo albums, film photography, and more. For a full list of available features, check out the add-ons section below our packages. All packages can be adjusted anytime.

Engagement Photoshoot

An engagement photoshoot is a perfect way to connect with our team and get comfortable in front of the camera. It allows us to learn about your love story, stylistic preferences, and create without the time constraints of the wedding day. Our 2 hour shoots take place at iconic Los Angeles locations like Malibu, Venice, Beverly Hills, Joshua Tree, and more.


RED Camera

Elevate your wedding film with cinematic-quality footage from a RED camera. Known for ts high-definition clarity and cinematic depth, this upgrade ensures your film looks extraordinary. Perfect for couples seeking a premium, film-like experience.


35mm Film Photography

Add a vintage touch to your wedding memories with 50 film photos. This bundle offers timeless images that bring a unique, classic feel to your wedding day alongside your digital shots.


Additional Hours

Weddings can run late, and with multiple locations or long travel times, extra hours can be helpful. This gives us more time to set up for important moments, plan shots, organize group photos, and work smoothly, especially in Los Angeles.


Insta Bundle

Get 3 custom 15-second Instagram Reels that showcase the best moments of your wedding day. Perfect for quick, shareable highlights that capture the magic in a format made for social media.


Full-Length Wedding Film

Relive your entire wedding day with our documentary-style Full-Length Wedding Film (45-120 minutes). From getting ready and the first look to the ceremony, speeches with voice-overs, dances, and traditions, every moment is edited in chronological order with a mix of music and voiceovers. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your memories in this heartfelt, cinematic experience!



Capture stunning aerial footage of your wedding day with our drone add-on. This feature offers bird's-eye views of your venue, the ceremony, and even group photos, adding a cinematic touch to your film. This add-on is available for outdoor weddings and is subject to weather conditions and local regulations.


Wedding Teaser

Enhance any package with our one-minute teaser video, perfect for quick sharing on social media and creating excitement around your wedding day memories.


Second Shooter

For larger weddings, a second videographer or photographer is very helpful. They assist the lead shooter, making the process smoother and faster, and double the amount of footage to ensure every special moment is captured.


Photo Express

Get 15 edited photos within a week with our Photo Express add-on. Perfect for quickly sharing your favorite moments with family and friends while we complete the rest of the edits.



Create a lasting keepsake with a custom wedding album. Designed with high-quality materials, it’s a beautiful way to relive your favorite moments for years to come.


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